Cookies Policy
Please read the following information carefully
The information presented below aims to bring to the user's knowledge more details about the placement, use and administration of cookies used by the website
This website uses cookies to provide visitors with a much better browsing experience and services tailored to the needs and interests of each.
These cookies may come from the following third parties: Adwords, Google Analytics,, Facebook, Youtube, etc.
Cookies are intended to facilitate access to and delivery of services used by the Internet user, such as the personalization of certain settings (language, country).
Cookies, based on the information they collect about users, help website owners to streamline their product and services so that they are as easily accessible to users as possible. They also increase the efficiency of online advertising and last but not least can allow multimedia or other applications from other sites to be included in a particular site to make browsing more useful.
This policy refers to cookies and web pages operated by Enterprise Software Development SRL with headquarteres in 95 Alexandru Ioan Cuza Blvd., District 1, Bucharest – 011054, Romania.
Cookies (browser cookie or HTTP cookie) are small files, containing letters and numbers, stored on your computer, mobile device or any other device you might use to access internet.
Cookies are installed on request, sent from the server of given web page to the browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, Chrome), and are totally ”passive” they don’t contain any software, viruses or spyware and don’t have access to the information from the user’s hardware).
These files allow the recognition of the user's terminal and the presentation of the content in a relevant way, adapted to the user's preferences.
Cookies provide users with a pleasant browsing experience and support the efforts of Enterprise Software Development SRL to provide comfortable services to users.
They are also used to prepare anonymous statistics, which help us understand how our users prefer to use our website and by this improve our website structure and content, excluding the user's personal identification.
On we use session based cookies
On we use session based cookies:
data can also be read at server level;
the data have an expiration time (after this time they will be deleted automatically);
the amount that can be saved is approximately 4096 bytes.
Visiting website can generate Cookies with the following purposes:
cookies for website performance;
cookies to analyze website visitors and registration;
cookies for geo targeting.
In order to be used, Cookies don’t require any personal information and most often they don’t identify the personality of internet users.
Any personal data, collected while using Cookies, can be used only to ease visitors using the website. All data is encrypted in a way that doesn’t allow any unauthorized access.
Usually, browsers allow Cookies by default.
These settings can be changed in a way that automatic cookie management is blocked by the browser or the user is informed each time when browsers send cookies to his/her terminal.
Information about Cookies management can be found in the Setting of each browser.
Restricting the usage of Cookies can affect some of the website services and functionalities
Cookies are important for the efficient functioning of the Internet, in the interest of the user, because they contribute to the creation of a simple and personalized web browsing experience according to the interests, preferences and behavior of each user.
Blocking or disabling cookies may make some sites unusable or may significantly limit your web experience.
Blocking or disabling cookies does not mean that you will no longer receive advertising messages, but that the web pages you are on will no longer provide you with an experience tailored to your behavior and preferences.
Cookies are important for:
content and services tailored to your preferences. - categories of products and services;
offers adapted to your interests - password retention - if you opt for this functionality;
retention of child protection filters regarding web content (family mode options, safe search functions);
limiting the frequency of delivery of advertising messages - limiting the number of impressions of an advertisement for a certain user on a site;
providing relevant advertising depending on the user;
measuring, optimizing, and recording data related to site performance - statistics related to traffic, content viewed. This information is important for improving the web experience of users.
Cookies are NOT viruses and do not collect personal data.
However, cookies may be used to the detriment of users by Spyware programs. Because they store information about users' preferences and browsing history, cookies can be used as a form of Spyware. Anti-spyware applications have the role of marking cookies to be deleted during anti-virus / anti-spyware scanning procedures.
Usually browsers have integrated settings for privacy which ensure different levels of accepting cookies, period of validity and auto deleting after the user visited the site.
As all Internet users have the right to online identity protection, it is advisable to be informed about possible security risks. Because these files constantly exchange information between the browser and the site you are visiting, the information transmitted through cookies may be intercepted by unauthorized persons or programs. For example, this is possible if the browser connects to the server using an unencrypted/unsecured network - as is the case with some Wi-Fi networks.
Other cookie-based attacks may be possible due to incorrect settings of these files on servers. If a website does not require the browser to use only encrypted channels, attackers can use this vulnerability to gain access to information transmitted through cookies. For these reasons, it is essential to pay close attention to the settings that protect your personal information available online.
Thanks to their flexibility and the fact that most of the biggest and most visited websites use cookies, cookies are almost inevitable. Deactivating cookies won’t allow users to access websites like Youtube, Gmail, Yahoo and other.
Here is some advice how to ensure safe browsing with the help of cookies:
personalize your browser settings to create suitable protection level for cookies usage;
if you use the computer on your own, you can set longer terms for browsing history and store of personal data;
if you are using a public computer, you set your browser to delete the data for your session each time you exit the browser;
install anti-spyware applications and constantly update them;
make sure your browser is always up to date. Many of the attacks based on cookies are realized on weak spots in the old browser versions.